Desktop Pub.

In this Unit we will be learning about Desktop Publishing, create desktop published documents and learn about careers in Desktop Publishing.

Use the following site to find a complete and descriptive tutorial on how to use MS Publisher. Watch the video titled Getting To Know Publisher 10 to learn about the Publisher interface and menus.

Refer to the BTT Wiki for complete instructions on the expectations of this Unit.

Important tips to remember:

Be creative! Think of the most interesting and eye-catching ads you've ever seen. What made them capture your attention?

Be consistent! A company's brand is their bread and butter. We immediately recognize our favourite companies by their logos, their company colours, fonts, etc. Make sure all your documents have your restaurant's logo on them and look like they belong to the same restaurant.

Have fun! This unit is a fun one. It allows you to use your imagination, your creativity, your designing skills and your ever growing software application skills to create Restaurant advertising documents.

Grade 9 Business